Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Genaral Greeting

Hey all..welcome to the Black Cow blog. This is an attempt to bring the Cow into the Blog world. I would love for this to take off and hear, respond and shake up any and all subjects that come along. Please let it fly, it would be fun to get this thing out there. Tell any and all you know that it is open and ready for commenting. We have been in business for twelve years this October(07). We actually opened the doors to the public December 29th 1995. It has been a wild ride to say the least. Small business is not for the faint of heart. The stories of 80 hr. weeks is not that far off. The thing that most people don't realize is that if the business is open whether you, as the owner are there or not you are still there in your head. So, the Cow is open from 6am-7pm most nights. I am here in the early AM and pop in and out throughout the day in my head I am always here. I try not to complain much because I have a great life but my brain does get a little tired now and then. Vacations are pretty much non existent but I do get opportunity to do things during the day that most with conventional jobs may not. I incourage anyone that has the desire to open a small busines but go into it knowing how it works. Not just the business itself but all the other stuff that goes with it. It can be great fun and very fulfilling if you know what you are getting into. I hope you enjoy what I may bring forward with this and we'll see how it goes........keep in touch and tell your friends.......cheers

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